
Sunday, September 28, 2014

It's Going to Be a Busy Month... (October's Monthly Goals)

And I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep up with it all.

As usual, I've probably over committed myself, but I like having goals. And having goals with absolutely no accountability except what I can muster in my own head is like reading an introduction and calling the book finished. It just doesn't work well for me.

I need someone to kick my butt when I'm slacking off.
I need someone who's going to call me out for being a big baby.
I need someone to keep me on my toes.

First of all, I've committed to blogging every day for the 31 Days of October. I'm be blogging about cultivating a grateful heart... come what may. (This is quite apropos for the overwhelmed and anxious feeling I've got going on right now.) There is much more to this challenge, which I'll be sharing more in depth about tomorrow. Most of my posts will be posted about this time of day (about 8-9pm CST) because this is the time I have free to do this writing. This also means that all my "poor, pitiful me" posts for my next two October challenges are going to have to be turned into my being grateful for the torture experiences.


Then, my sister in law (who also -luckily- happens to by my bestie) brought the awesome 3rd Annual Living and Active 5 Week Challenge to my attention and asked if I'd be her accountability partner. She's freaking amazing, btw. She's lost a ridiculous amount of weight all on her own get-up-and-go and is awesome enough to give me a swift kick in the hind quarters when I'm boo-hooing about my desperate addiction to sweet tea.... which is pretty much always.


The challenge is pretty straight-forward. There are just a few requirements I'm going to have to suck it up and do:
  • Take a "before" picture... and post it for accountability. (Yikes!) The challenge itself doesn't require posted before pictures... but I figure- "Hey! Why not!" - may as well dive in with both feet, right?
  • Commit to exercise 4 days each week. The challenge doesn't specify whether you have to do their workouts or your own. (I'll probably just use hers so I know what to do when!)
  • Memorize each week's memory verse (without forgetting the prior weeks) and complete the key challenge. I really don't know what to expect here, but I'm going to call myself up for it!
  • Take an "after" picture... and do a little dance at the results!
Lastly, I've committed to an "unofficial" THM "No Cheats" Two Month Challenge.
This is the one that scares me the most....
... and the one that I'm whining about the most...
........and the one I probably need the most.
The rules are super simple:
  • No deviating from the Trim Healthy Mama plan for 60 whole days.
  • Exercise at least 3 days each week. (Thank you, Living and Active Challenge- got this covered!)
  • Complete one Fuel Cycle each month, if your body needs it... which mine does.
 The challenge in this, of course, is the fact that I'm allergic to plan-approved sweeteners AND have a wicked addiction to sweet, sweet tea. But, as B says:
It sucks having someone love you enough to be honest, doesn't it?
In addition to no sweet tea, that also means no more chili mac nights for me and the kids. No Domino's pizza on Saturday afternoons when I'm being too lazy to get up and go cook. It'll be a challenge to just make myself get up and cook (or prepare ahead of time) enough healthy, on-plan meals to make up an entire month, much less 60 whole days! And giving up sweet tea? *sigh* It's the last of my "consumption vices", and it's very, very, very hard to even imagine letting it go. But, to complete this challenge, it has to get kicked to the curb!
Pray for me, ya'll. I'm going to need it.

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